Monday, August 31, 2009

"Special Distinctions"

So, continuing my initial overview of this year's rules. Now we have "Special Distinctions", which are like the Achievements you get in various videogames.

I'm trying for the Service Medal just to be helpful, but that really just means reading and commenting on things and doesn't tie into the game design portion directly.

So what other Special distinctions are interesting? Let's see:

The Al Gore Yadda Yadda Play on A Cell Phone or Internet Award

Cellphones would be hard to work with, but the internet has a variety of interesting technologies that could be used. Like Blogs. Or Wikis. Something might be doable here, though it bears further thought before getting committed.

The A/V Club Badge

Well, I do work for a Media Center, after all. I could probably make up a video in Final Cut Pro, though not likely in the "1 Week" version of GC. Maybe the One Month or One Year versions.

Brevity Award

4 pages isn't tough, really. Make a simple enough game and this can be done. Definitely doable, but this badge feels more like one I may or may not achieve bu won't go out of my way to get.

Cerberus the Three Headed

Well, I do have two adult roleplayers besides me living in my house. Designing for 3 players would be my natural course of action anyway. It increases the chances of the game getting playtested in the course of GC, which is always good. Oh, and 3 is how large you want your clandestine cells to be, if I go for Intrigue.

"Fit it on a Frisbee"

Or other custom printed object. My best idea here is to have a custom clock, wherein the face tells you different things in the game, depending on where the hour and minute hands are. This might be combined with the board game idea (see below) to have a board game played out on a clock face, wherein you have to outrace the minute hand as it completes the hour.

Reimagine a previous Game Chef Game by someone else

This is another "coincidentally way to easy" things I don't want to try. I was already in the middle of rewriting Gar Hanrahan's Poking the Emperor into a LARP when Game Chef began. I could just finish that and submit it, but it feels weak. Now, I don't know what other GC entries I'd rewrite, in part because they haven't been well archived at

Academy of Flatland Make a Board Game

Not a bad goal, but not one I'm especially interested in. I'm more likely to accidentally realize halfway through GC that I invented a boardgame and then get this trophy than I am to aim deliberately for it.

2001 and Zombies

Both are okay, but don't grab me. But they aren't actively the sort of thing I want to avoid, like some awards.

That's obviously way too many things to try for, so I need to narrow it down some as I cogitate on things.

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